Do you know the daily management of the horizontal tensile testing machine?

2021-06-24  Source:

The horizontal tensile testing machine is a tensile testing machine that uses some large materials for tensile testing. Do you know about the daily management of the horizontal tensile testing machine? Let’s understand it together:

   1. To ensure the reliability of the entire control system, perfect daily management is inseparable. Although the horizontal tensile testing machine has a high degree of automation, it often happens that man-made destructive factors cause it to lose its function! The components are damaged or lost, the parameters of the time relay and the charger are incorrectly modified, etc., users have responded!

  2. The horizontal tensile testing machine and the highly automated function of its control cabinet enable the whole set of equipment to achieve our unattended purpose and better meet the requirements of user equipment.

   Horizontal tensile testing machine is mainly protected from several aspects during operation, such as load protection, full-scale protection, pressure protection, breaking protection, displacement protection, deformation protection, cycle protection and so on.

Load protection is mainly to protect the load value. By setting the upper and lower limits, when these limits are checked, the testing machine will stop working. Full-scale protection: if the load value is greater than (full-scale + full-scale × set value), it will stop. test. Pressure protection: Percentage: During compression, bending, and shear tests, the test will stop if the load value is less than (the maximum load of this test × set value). Breaking protection: After selecting and doing tensile test, the test will automatically stop after the sample breaks. Tensile testing machine displacement protection: upper limit protection: the displacement value is greater than the set value to stop the test. Lower limit protection: If the displacement value is less than the set value, the test will be stopped.

   Deformation protection: Upper limit protection: The test is stopped when the deformation value is greater than the set value. Lower limit protection: the test will stop when the deformation value is less than the set value.

  Cycle protection: If the number of cycles is equal to the set value, the test will be stopped (for dynamic testing). Now many people should know about the daily management of horizontal tensile testing machine, hope the above introduction will be useful to you.

   Label: Horizontal tensile testing machine
