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Alloy Analyzer X-1200A

Alloy Analyzer X-1200A

Product description


1. Product name and model: X-ray metal composition analysis spectrometer X-1200 series

2. Manufacturer: Shenzhen Qicheng Instrument Equipment Co., Ltd.

3. Product picture:

4. Working conditions

n Working temperature: 15-30℃

n Relative humidity: ≤80%

n Power source: AC: 220V ±5V

n Power rate: 300W + 550W

 5. Technical performance and indicators:

n Elemental analysis ranges from sodium (Na) to uranium (U);

n The analysis range of element content is 1ppm to 100%;

n Measuring time: 40-120 seconds;

n The repeatability of multiple measurements of the main content can reach 0.1%;

n Automatic exchange of multiple collimators to meet more analysis requirements;

n The energy resolution of the detector is 125±5eV;

n The temperature range is 15℃~30℃;

n Power supply: AC 220V±5V (It is recommended to configure AC purification and regulated power supply.);

n Multivariate nonlinear deconvolution curve fitting;

n Gaussian smoothing filter correction;

n High-performance FP software, MLSQ analysis;

n Analyze 25 elements at the same time;

n Direct detection, no need for pre-processing, real-time data display; simple and convenient operation;

3. Product configuration, function, analysis accuracy and stability

1) Product configuration:

1. Hardware: One host, including the following main components:

(1) X-ray tube;

(2) Electric refrigeration semiconductor detector (SDD);

(3) High-voltage power supply;

(4) Collimator (automatic replacement of multiple collimators);

(5) Control system;

(6) Filter;

(7) Sample table;

(8) Sample cavity 195mm*195mm×50mm;

(9) Instrument size 590*400*370mm

(10) Vacuum pump/SMC vacuum solenoid valve/vacuum pressure gauge, etc.

2. Software: Qicheng X Fluorescence Spectrometer Composition Analysis Software V6.0

3. One computer: Brand: Lenovo

Note: If you need to select a printer and stabilized power supply, the price needs to be calculated separately.


(2) Function, analysis accuracy and stability (take copper alloy as an example):

Copper alloy composition analysis;

At the same time, it can be extended to analyze other alloys such as magnesium alloy, aluminum alloy, iron alloy, lead-tin alloy, and necessary technical exchanges are required when necessary.

The elements H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O cannot be analyzed temporarily;

Analysis accuracy and stability:

1) Detection of F, Cl, Br, I (project requirements can be based on product RoHS testing requirements) The detection limit of these elements is 1-3pmm. Stable reading tolerance for these metals testing and analysis This instrument has reached the following standards:

    A. The stable test reading difference of elements with a detection content greater than 5% is less than 0.1%

B. The stable test reading difference for elements with a detection content of 0.5 to 5% is less than 0.05%

C. The stable test reading difference of elements with a detection content of 0.1~0.5% is less than 0.03%

D. The reading change rate of elements with a detection content of less than 0.1% is less than 10%


2) The detection limit of Cu, Zn, Fe, Ni, Pb, Mn, Ti, W, Au, Ag, Hg, Sn and other heavy metals content is up to 10-20ppm, and the test and analysis of these metals can stably read the allowable difference. This instrument The following standards have been met:

A. The stable test reading difference of elements with a detection content greater than 5% is less than 0.1%

B. The stable test reading difference for elements with a detection content of 0.5 to 5% is less than 0.05%

C. The stable test reading difference of elements with a detection content of 0.1~0.5% is less than 0.03%

D. The reading change rate of elements with a detection content of less than 0.1% is less than 10%

3) The detection limit of the content of Mg, Al, Cr, Cd, P, Br, S, Si, As and other metal components is up to 30ppm, and the stable reading allowable difference for the test and analysis of these metals The instrument has reached the following standards:

A. The stable test reading difference of elements with a detection content greater than 5% is less than 0.1%

B. The stable test reading difference for elements with a detection content of 0.5 to 5% is less than 0.05%

C. The stable test reading difference of elements with a detection content of 0.1~0.5% is less than 0.03%

D. The reading change rate of elements with a detection content of less than 0.1% is less than 10%

4). Analysis of elements other than C and S in steel materials;

5). It can detect and analyze the state of samples: liquid, solid, powder.

4. Product advantages and software description

(1). Product advantages

1. Can perform chlorine and bromide ion detection, metal ion analysis and detection, multi-purpose machine saves investment

2. Can detect materials in solid, liquid, and powder state

3. It can detect and analyze more than 60 elements, and one test can show 25 elements for composition analysis of any matrix such as copper, iron, zinc, stainless steel, etc.

4. Low operating and maintenance costs, no vulnerable and consumables, and relatively low requirements for the use environment

5. Can scan unknown standard samples, qualitative without standard samples, and semi-quantitative analysis

6. Simple operation, easy to learn and understand, accurate and non-destructive, high quality, high performance, high stability, fast detection results (40-120 seconds)

7. Auxiliary analysis configuration hardware can be tailored to the individual requirements of customers

8. Free software upgrades for life

9. Numerous unique patents, comparable to similar equipment in developed countries outside the United States

10. Non-destructive testing, one-time purchase of standard samples can be used permanently

11. Worry-free use, after-sales service response time is within 24 hours, providing a full range of nanny-style services


(2) Software description

1. Explanation of the working principle of the instrument


l XRF stands for X Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (X Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer). People usually call the secondary X-rays produced by irradiating X-rays on the substance as X-ray fluorescence, and the X-rays used for irradiation are called primary X-rays.

l When a high-energy X-ray with energy higher than the binding energy of the inner electron of the atom collides with an atom, an inner electron is expelled and a hole appears, making the entire atomic system in an unstable excited state. The excited state atom life is about 10 -12~10-14S, and then spontaneously transition from a high-energy state to a low-energy state.

l When the outer layer of electrons jump into the inner layer of holes, the energy released is not absorbed in the atom, but is released in the form of radiation, resulting in X-ray fluorescence (characteristic X-ray), the energy of which is equal to the energy between the two energy levels Poor energy.

l Characteristic X-ray fluorescence generation: collision→transition↑(high) →hole→transition↓(low)

l The characteristic X-ray fluorescence energy and wavelength emitted by different elements are different, so by measuring its energy or wavelength, you can know what kind of element it is emitted, and perform qualitative analysis of the element. The line intensity is related to the content of this element in the sample, so the quantitative analysis of the element can be carried out by measuring its intensity.

l Through experimental verification, within a certain range, the thicker the coating, the greater the intensity of the tested X fluorescence; but when the thickness of the coating reaches a certain value, the intensity of the tested X fluorescence will no longer change. In other words, the coating thickness test is limited, and too thick coating samples will be regarded as infinitely thick.

l Due to the penetrability of X-rays, when analyzing multiple coatings, the characteristic X-rays of each layer will interfere with each other during the emission process. As the number of coating layers increases, the detection error of the coating layer closer to the inner layer is greater; at the same time, the outer coating layer is affected by the inner layer coating, and the test accuracy will also be greatly reduced. In order to solve the influence of multiple coatings, in practical applications, more practically similar coating samples are used for comparative measurement (that is, the standard curve method is used for comparative testing) to reduce the measurement accuracy problems caused by interference between each layer.

2. Software work architecture diagram

The X-1200 spectrometer adopts the most advanced software algorithm in the world, the basic parameter method (FP), and has a wider adaptability in the analysis of various alloys. After nearly 10 years of development and improvement, Qicheng has made the software already equipped with a complete use of content, but also has a powerful teaching and scientific research and development functions.

The following is a brief introduction about the spectrometer and software:

The main processing method of X-1200 spectrometer software algorithm

1) Smoothing spectral line smoothing

2) Escape Peak Removal

3) Sum Peak Removal

4) Background Removal

5) Blank Removal

6) Intensity Extraction

7) Peak Integration map integration

8) Peak Overlap Factor Method

9) Gaussian Deconvolution Gaussian Deconvolution processing

10) Reference Deconvolution benchmark deconvolution processing

In the process of software development, we refer to the following documents (FP References)

(a) “Principles and Practice of X-ray Spectrometric Analysis,” 2nd Edition, by E.P. Bertin, Plenum Press, New York, NY (1975).

(b) “Principles of Quantitative X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis,” by R. Tertian and F. Claisse, Heyden & Son Ltd., London, UK (1982).

(c) “Handbook of X-Ray Spectrometry: Methods and Techniques,” eds. R.E. van Grieken and A.A. Markowicz, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York (1993).

(d)“An Analytical Algorithm for Calculation of Spectral Distributions of X-Ray Tubes for Quantitative X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis,” P.A. Pella, L. Feng and J.A. Small, X-Ray Spectrometry 14 (3), 125-135 (1985).

(e)“Addition of M- and L-Series Lines to NIST Algorithm for Calculation of X-Ray Tube Output Spectral Distributions,” P.A. Pella, L. Feng and J.A. Small, X-Ray Spectrometry 20, 109-110 (1991).

(f)“Quantification of Continuous and Characteristic Tube Spectra for Fundamental Parameter Analysis,” H. Ebel, M.F. Ebel, J. Wernisch, Ch. Poehn and H. Wiederschwinger, X-Ray Spectrometry 18, 89-100 (1989).

(g)“An Algorithm for the Description of White and Characteristic Tube Spectra (11 ≤ Z ≤ 83, 10keV ≤ E0 ≤ 50keV),” H. Ebel, H. Wiederschwinger and J. Wernisch, Advances in X-Ray Analysis, 35, 721-726 (1992).

(h)“Spectra of X-Ray Tubes with Transmission Anodes for Fundamental Parameter Analysis,” H. Ebel, M.F. Ebel, Ch. Poehn and B. Schoβmann, Advances in X-Ray Analysis, 35, 721-726 (1992).

(i)“Comparison of Various Descriptions of X-Ray Tube Spectra,” B. Schoβmann, H. Wiederschwinger, H. Ebel and J. Wernisch, Advances in X-Ray Analysis, 39, 127-135 (1992).

(j)“Relative Intensities of K, L and M Shell X-ray Lines,” T.P. Schreiber & A.M. Wims, X-Ray Spectrometry 11(2), 42 (1982).

(k)“Calculation of X-ray Fluorescence Cross Sections for K and L Shells,” M.O. Krause, E.Ricci, C.J. Sparks and C.W. Nestor, Adv. X-ray Analysis, 21, 119 (1978).

(l)X-Ray Data Booklet, Center for X-ray Optics, ed. D. Vaughan, LBL, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 (1986).

(m) “Revised Tables of Mass Attenuation Coefficients,” Corporation Scientifique Claisse Inc., 7, 1301 (1977).

(n)"Atomic Radiative and Radiationless Yields for K and L shells," M.O. Krause, J. Phys. Chem. Reference Data 8 (2), 307-327 (1979).

(o)“The Electron Microprobe,” eds. T.D. McKinley, K.F.J. Heinrich and D.B. Wittry, Wiley, New York (1966).

(p)“Compilation of X-Ray Cross Sections,” UCRL-50174 Sec II, Rev. 1, Lawrence Radiation Lab., University of California, Livermore, CA (1969).

(q)“X-ray Interactions: Photoabsorption, Scattering, Transmission, and Reflection at E = 50-30,000 eV, Z = 1-92,” B.L. Henke, E.M. Gullikson and J.C. Davis, Atomic Data and Nuclear Tables, 54, 181-342 (1993).

(r)“Reevaluation of X-Ray Atomic Energy Levels,” J.A. Bearden and A.F. Burr, Rev. Mod. Phys., 39 (1), 125-142 (1967).

(s)“Fluorescence Yields, ώk (12 ≤ Z ≤ 42) and ώl3 (38 ≤ Z ≤ 79), from a Comparison of Literature and Experiments (SEM),” W. Hanke, J. Wernisch and C. Pohn, X-Ray Spectrometry 14 (1),43 (1985).

(t)“Least-Squares Fits of Fundamental Parameters for Quantitative X-Ray Analysis as a Function of Z (11 ≤ Z ≤ 83) and E (1 ≤ E ≤ 50 keV),” C. Poehn, J. Wernisch and W. Hanke, X-Ray Spectrometry 14 (3),120 (1985).

(u)“Calculation of X-Ray Fluorescence Intensities from Bulk and Multilayer Samples,” D.K.G. de Boer, X-Ray Spectrometry 19, 145-154 (1990).

(v)“Theoretical Formulas for Film Thickness Measurement by Means of Fluorescence X-Rays,” T. Shiraiwa and N. Fujino, Adv. X-Ray Analysis, 12, 446 (1969).

(w)“X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Multiple-Layer Films,” M. Mantler, Analytica Chimica Acta, 188, 25-35 (1986).

(x)“General Approach for Quantitative Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Analysis Based on Fundamental Parameters,” F. He and P.J. Van Espen, Anal. Chem., 63, 2237-2244 (1991).

(y)“Quantitative X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Single- and Multi-Layer Thin Films,” Thin Solid Films 157, 283 (1988).

(z)“Fundamental-Parameter Method for Quantitative Elemental Analysis with Monochromatic X-Ray Sources,” presented at 25th Annual Denver X-ray Conference, Denver, Colorado (1976).






