pc mobile

AOI intelligent detection class

Screen electrical measuring machine

Screen electrical measuring machine

Product description


    Screen eectrica testing machine

    Mode: QC-PMD8

    1. Overview of requirements

     1. Detection object: TN, STN, FSTN and other monochrome dispay modues; various pen-segment, ICON, CD dot matrix CM dispay products;

     2. Main function: It can detect the quaity defects on CD dispay, such as open circuit, short circuit, contrast, dispay unevenness, pixe defect and other defects.

     3. Reaization principe: firsty buid a front or rear, highy stabe and uniform ighting system, pace the inspected product on the equipment test fixture, and take a variety of images dispayed by the product through a high-precision industria inspection camera , Coect the image to the system host, anayze the performance of the product through the automatic optica system anaysis software, and determine whether the index meets the detection standard.

     4. Test resut reminder: Quaified-a "beep" prompt and "Quaified" dispayed on the dispay; unquaified-a rapid "beep, beep, beep" prompt and "unquaified" dispayed on the dispay;

     5. Test resut report generation: Automaticay generate Exce format production data report during onine test;

     6. Inspection system operating software: SuperVision "SuperVision 5.0 Automatic Optica Inspection System Software";

     7. High-resoution industria inspection cameras and enses, choose different specifications of cameras and enses according to the product inspection size;

     8. (1) New mode detection setting: friendy man-machine interface, intuitive and concise, with few setting parameters, and the operator can quicky grasp and use; when the fixture is compete, the new product detection equipment can be competed in about 30 minutes. set.

     (2) Mode change inspection of previous product modes: Because the AOI system has a memory function, users can pace the fixture to be changed to the fixture prompt position according to the prompts, and then perform batch inspection; easy and fast changeover

     9. Detection speed (not incuding oading and unoading and switching screen time); 800 miiseconds/screen

     10. Back and white point accuracy and detection area of ??visua inspection system

     (1) AOI system detection accuracy: stabe detection capabiity 0.15mm; maximum detection capabiity 0.10mm;

     (2) The maximum detection area size is 150 x 75 mm (detected by 2 cameras);

     11. Visua inspection system STN / FSTN dot matrix product inspection capabiity

     The detection accuracy of CD dot matrix products is determined by the resoution of the camera, the number of rows and coumns of STN / FSTN dot matrix products to be tested, and the parameters of the vision too;

     Stabe detection capabiity: 10 pixe x 10 pixe / STN product each dispay dot matrix DOT;

     Highest detection capabiity: 8 pixe x 8 pixe / STN product each dispay dot matrix DOT;

     12. System detection stabiity

     Missing pan, more pan: ≤ 1 PPM;

     Pinhoes, interna poution: ≤ 20 PPM? ; (The critica ine of detection accuracy is difficut to divide)

     Note: Dust and eectrostatic interference are not counted; pinhoes and interna contamination defects are not counted due to the different viewing anges of the product, which cause the camera to be unabe to ceary image and detect; the deviation of interna contamination defects and the background of the CD screen is generay within 25 gray vaues. Stabe detection.

     13. The products that are OK for testing shoud be marked and processed

     Achieve independent operation and inspection of dua-track inspection posts;

     The inspection is not affected by another position, and it is not necessary for another position to compete the inspection and exit before starting work.


Second, the complete machine diagram of the equipment




Three, the solution

1. Schematic diagram of vision system installation



2. Case analysis


A. Product 1: White spot and scratch detection

Effect picture

         Check whether there are white spots or white scratches in the power-on display state. Detect defects with gray difference greater than 20 and size greater than 0.15mm.

B. Product 1: Missing pen detection




Effect picture

      Check whether the character strokes are missing in the power-on display state. Detect defects with gray difference greater than 20 and size greater than 0.15mm.

C. Product 1: Missing pen detection

Effect picture

      Check whether the character strokes are missing when switching between different screens in the power-on display state. Detect defects with gray difference greater than 20 and size greater than 0.15mm.

D. Product 1: Missing pen detection




Effect picture

        Check whether the character strokes are missing when switching between different screens in the power-on display state. Detect defects with gray difference greater than 20 and size greater than 0.15mm.

This plan is given based on the sample lighting test, and the on-site product test results shall prevail.

Slide 10

E. Product 2: White spot detection





Effect picture

White spot (detectable gray scale difference greater than 20, size greater than 0.15mm defects)

F. Product 2: MURA




Effect picture

MURA (Can detect defects with gray difference greater than 20 and size greater than 0.15mm)

Solution analysis product 2: MURA

 MURA (Can detect defects with gray difference greater than 20 and size greater than 0.15mm)

Solution analysis product two: disconnection

Broken wire (no NG sample for the time being, it can be detected by checking whether the grid is black. (The gray difference is greater than 20, and the size is greater than 0.15mm defects))


5. Other matters

1. Acceptance period: the equipment is debugged and used normally for 3 months without abnormal acceptance;

2. Acceptance criteria: The provided samples are used as acceptance specimens, and the test items meet the specifications reflected in the specifications; Product 1: The screen background itself is black, and black spots cannot be detected. Product 2: There is no sample for black dots. Dot matrix products have black grids and black shadows next to the grids. It is difficult to distinguish when the black dots are close to the grid. The detection level needs to be further verified by samples, and we will try our best to be the last one, but NG products with black dots are not used as the basis for acceptance; 3. Warranty period: The whole machine is guaranteed for one year after the equipment is accepted.

4. Delivery time: 40 working days after receiving the PO order.
